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Low temperature probe station includes open loop low temperature probe station series, closed loop low temperature probe station series and magnetic field low temperature probe station series, which can provide high and low temperature vacuum test environment for semiconductor chip electrical parameter test。
Cryoprobe station
The room temperature probe stations are available in the compact manual probe station series and the standard manual probe station series,It is a high-quality probe station capable of performing a large number of non-destructive, standard electrical experiments on 2 ", 4 ", 6 ", and 8 "wafers,External connection of different test equipment,It can complete the electrical characteristic measurement, parameter measurement and DC measurement of the device。
Room temperature probe station
Room temperature magnetic probe station includes room temperature permanent magnet probe station series and room temperature electromagnet probe station series. It is a probe station specially developed for room temperature variable magnetic field and vertical magnetic field electrical measurement environment. It can perform repetitive and standard electrical experiments on 2 inch, 4 inch, 6 inch and 8 inch wafers。
Room temperature magnetic field probe station
Room temperature vacuum probe station is a probe station specially developed for room temperature vacuum electrical measurement environment. It can carry out repeated non-destructive and standard electrical experiments on 2 inch and 4 inch wafers. Different external test equipment can complete the electrical characteristics measurement, parameter measurement, DC measurement and RF measurement of the device。
Room temperature vacuum probe station
Fully automatic/semi-automatic probe station for performance testing of 6" and 8" wafer-level devices,Can be tested against different wafers,Can be equipped with appropriate instruments,The characteristics of I-V, C-V and optical signals are analyzed,Equipment features,Can match a variety of test application environments,Can upgrade high-power wafer testing, RF testing, fully automatic testing and can load temperature control system,To meet customer requirements for various wafer device performance testing in high and low temperature environments。
Fully automatic/semi-automatic probe station