Cri/oFlex® 3 Flexible Multichannel cable is our multichannel solution designed primarily for end-to-end i/o, providing high-density uninterrupted wiring from room temperature to milliKelvin class。It is particularly suitable for situations where small size, low thermal load and excellent microwave performance are critical。A variety of options are available to meet your specific needs, such as: vacuum feedthrough, thermal clamps, and a choice between SMA or SMP connectors。Cri/oFlex® 3 solves your low-temperature cable expansion challenges!
High density microwave channel
Integral design from room temperature to millikelvins
Resistance to thermal cycling
Optional filtering and signal conditioning
Integrated vacuum feedthrough
Low heat load
Microwave characteristics
The figure below shows the typical attenuation (S21) that can be expected from the DC-10GHz bandwidth CF3.。The solid line shows the average attenuation of 64 channels in a set of CF3 cables。From these channels, 90% (1.28σ) falls in the translucent region around the solid line。Note that most lines will follow the mean, but some outliers are expected due to geometric differences between channels。
We have been working hard to reduce the bias between channels, especially at higher frequencies。
Peripheral device
CF3 The platform does not stop at flexible cables, we aim to provide a complete solution for your cryogenic cable needs。Our current products include:
- Heat clamps for proper heating at each stage of the cryogenic system, we can provide different sizes according to your requirements, please feel free to contact us!
Vacuum feed-through is a massively scalable solution for moving multiple lines into a vacuum environment, currently based on ISO 2861 KF Flange, but can be customized upon request。
To properly secure experimental cables, we offer a wide range of supports suitable for low temperature, room temperature and vacuum environments。